Countdown to Summer 2025!  

This past summer (2019) was our 11th summer together. We spent 9 summers as campers and 2 summers and counting as counselors together. Camp is where you are able to find your best friends for life. It is where you can be yourself and have as much as fun as you want and everyone will just join in with you. As campers, we were able to make unforgettable memories which is why we keep returning as counselors to give campers the same experience we had together.

One of the highlights of this past summer was being color war captains together. As campers, we always looked up to and admired the counselors that got to be captains, so to be viewed the same way by campers now was a huge honor. It is easy to compare camp then to camp now, but the reality is that camp continues to change for the better. We encourage everyone to go to camp for as long as they can because there really is no place like home.

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AJ Hughes

Brisbane, Australia


"I have worked with many different people from all over the world and those friendships will last forever."

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Brian Rappaport

Jericho, LI (NY)



Camp Poyntelle was incredible for me. It taught me leadership, how to be a better person, and gave me lifelong memories.

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